Never Nude GoPro

Step 1: Parts

First things first, you will need some polymaker polyMax PLA: HERE

Follow this LINK to the files. Print the back plate and the lens mount in PolyMax, I recommend you use a small nozzle diameter – 0.2mm preferred. But you can get away with 0.4mm

Next Print the Top plate in Polymaker HF TPU. WARNING! It must be black TPU otherwise you will get color leak when the sun hits the case and shines back into your GoPro.

Follow this LINK to buy the DRX ND System

Or Follow this LINK to build your own (Coming Soon)

Finally follow these links to buy the screws you need

  1. KIT for Self Tapping
  2. M1.4 For camera
  3. 19.65mm Diameter 1.5 tick Glass Circle for protection  (this is kinda expensive but you could get some acrylic laser cut for cheap though it might flare more. also if you have a glass cutter you could do it yourself easily)
  4. GepRC naked 8 BEC board

Step Two: Build

This part is far easier than you think. Honestly just take a look at the video below, start at 4:05, and basically just screw the two halves together and then screw on the lens protector. Done


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